Midland Area Agency on Aging provides meal services across its entire service area. All of our meal services are funded by Federal, State and Local funds and are generally available to people over the age of 60. We suggest a contribution from our guests to help offset the increasing costs of these meals and to keep the service running.
Congregate Meals:
Congregate meals provide a warm nutritious meal with other like minded individuals, giving you an opportunity to connect with others in your neighborhood. Most programs take place over lunch time at any one of our affiliated meal or senior centers.
Home Delivered Meals:
Home delivered meals are primarily designed to bring a warm meal inside a person's home who is unable to get out into the community or safely prepare their own meals. Home Delivered meals have added bonuses for isolated individuals by giving them a face to connect with and additional eyes to help gauge a person's safety.
Voucher Meals:
Voucher meals are a supplementary meal offering in select locations in our service area at local restaurants. It helps provide meals on weekends or during irregular schedules, and promotes small business.
For more information, contact us at (402) 463-4565 or the center closest to you by navigating above.